Bienvenido, a nuestro blog de vino. Soy Daniel Harringon sumiller en Avinae Wine & Spirits . Con el tiempo, gracias a lectores como tú, éste espacio se ha convertido en uno de los blogs de vino más leídos en ingles. Gracias por estar a ese lado de la pantalla. Te animo a que pases al nuestro colaborando con tus comentarios y preguntando lo que te interese.

Nunca hemos tenido la pretensión de entrar en ránkings de los mejores blogs de vino de España. Ni cosas por el estilo. Desde que empezamos con Avinae Wine & Spirits ,Mallorca Wine Experience y ahora con Vinos de Mallorca siempre hemos querido dotar a nuestra web de contenido de calidad. Nos inspiramos en algunas webs inglesas que nos parecieron interesantes. La idea es que los miembros de nuestro club de vinos tuvieran en este espacio un rincón donde poder encontrar información útil. Vídeos sobre catas de vino, algunos consejos para aprender de vino, curiosidades sobre le mundo del vino, recomendaciones de vinos y de winebars en los que hemos estado (y nos han gustado), ideas para hacer enoturismo,  etc. Hay posts que incluyen vídeos y hay otras entradas con sólo texto.

Wine for thought: Can cheap be good? Can expensive be bad?

can cheap be good ,can expensive be bad

What is in a wine? and to say a wine, we mean the bells and whistles that come with it! So the question is, how much is the actual liquid inside the bottle?

Well to understand that a bit better, we need a few key factors so lets use the UK as an example. VAT on alcohol and tobacco is 20% in England, so lets say we are talking about a £7  bottle of wine, £7 – 20% = £5.60 , now lets factor in the packaging, lets say £1.50 and duty ( wines between 5.5% up to 15%) £2.22. This leaves us with a whopping 1 pound and 88 pence and then the greedy retailer will want his share, so 1 more pound. And there you have it the liquid in the bottle is worth 88p, less than a can of Coca-Cola. cheap wine expensive wine

Why is this so important to factor in, well because that liquid took time to grow, mature, ferment, age and ultimately get bottled so how much elaboration is going to go in to it?, if ultimately you will sell in on for 88p a bottle? Consider the same for a £17 bottle of wine, maybe allow a little bit more for the packaging…let be very generous and add 38p, that still leaves the liquid at £10.50.

Once these things are taken in to consideration, the question arrises, does this mean that a £170 wine is going to have a liquid that reflects £105 of quality? what would this liquid of the gods taste like?  Well yes it would to a degree, at that price, not only are you buying from a well established producer with credentials and reckognised name within the wine world, you are also paying for the best wine makers, highest quality barrels, best curated and situated vineyards etc. So is this a guarantee of quality? Quality yes, but even the best quality wine can be influenced by a bad season, or defective corks or various other external factors that can ultimately taint the work of the more prestigious wine makers. Ultimately it comes down to this, if the liquid in the botlle is worth at least a few pounds after all the other charges and fees, then the wine will stand a chance at being good, and the more that you invest in the liquid the higher the quality of production. That doesnt mean that the scale is rigid in price to quality, there are some phenomenal wines for £20-30and some wines that are disappointing at over £100.

The takeaway from this should be the acknowledgement of the amount of work that goes into making this thing that is loved by so many! the years of trial and error, the harvest, the maintenance of the vines pre-harvest, the whole wine making process and yes, even bottling and shipping and spending on those that truly love the process and the product.

And as always, never be scared to simply ask advice on the wine you choose.
