Bienvenido, a nuestro blog de vino. Soy Daniel Harringon sumiller en Avinae Wine & Spirits . Con el tiempo, gracias a lectores como tú, éste espacio se ha convertido en uno de los blogs de vino más leídos en inglesGracias por estar a ese lado de la pantalla. Te animo a que pases al nuestro colaborando con tus comentarios y preguntando lo que te interese.

Nunca hemos tenido la pretensión de entrar en ránkings de los mejores blogs de vino de España. Ni cosas por el estilo. Desde que empezamos con Avinae Wine & Spirits ,Mallorca Wine Experience y ahora con Vinos de Mallorca siempre hemos querido dotar a nuestra web de contenido de calidad. Nos inspiramos en algunas webs inglesas que nos parecieron interesantes. La idea es que los miembros de nuestro club de vinos tuvieran en este espacio un rincón donde poder encontrar información útil. Vídeos sobre catas de vino, algunos consejos para aprender de vino, curiosidades sobre le mundo del vino, recomendaciones de vinos y de winebars en los que hemos estado (y nos han gustado), ideas para hacer enoturismo,  etc. Hay posts que incluyen vídeos y hay otras entradas con sólo texto.

Wine For Thought: The Experiment!!

Hello one and all, for today’s entry I want to challenge you all to a sensorial, gastronomic and social Challenge/Experiment. The concept is rather simple, but the execution might be a little tricky, so I am going to do my best to prepare you so that maximum knowledge and fun is had!

What you will need:

A favourite/ go to dish 2 ( or 4 depending on how many people you invite to join ) bottles of wine At least 1 decanter and appropriate wine glassware Little note pads and pens, 1 for every participating person The desire to have fun and park all expectation and fear of ridicule at the door How does it work?: Once you have decided on the dish, you will need to choose 1 classic pairing for the dish ( I.E a Cabernet Sauvignon with a steak ) and 1 non conventional pairing ( best to ask your local wine specialist ) that could be anything from a white wine for that steak or a sparkling wine. Some fun examples being roasted Pork Belly with a Californian Pinot Noir and a South-western Australian Viognier. So now you have the set up…. Whats the game???: You sit down to the dish having drunk nothing previously, every guest should have a note pad and a pen and a glass of 1 of each of the wines in front of them. The objective is, as the meal starts, everyone takes a moment to understand how each sip of each wine interacts with each bite of the food. Make sure that at the start it is made very clear that there is not a right answer, that taste is subjective and that the fun will be comparing notes at the end of the meal. Whilst this may all seem to be a reason just to enjoy good food and wine in good company, there is also a subliminal education underneath where you will start to trust you own perceptions and opinions on a wine, based on how the key elements of it interacted with the food and vice-versa Plus I just gave you a solid reason to use education as a brilliant way of drinking 2 bottles of wine! You`re Welcome