Wine Highest Bidder!
Bienvenido, a nuestro blog de vino. Soy Daniel Harringon sumiller en Avinae Wine & Spirits . Con el tiempo, gracias a lectores como tú, éste espacio se ha convertido en uno de los blogs de vino más leídos en ingles. Gracias por estar a ese lado de la pantalla. Te animo a que pases al nuestro colaborando con tus comentarios y preguntando lo que te interese.
Nunca hemos tenido la pretensión de entrar en ránkings de los mejores blogs de vino de España. Ni cosas por el estilo. Desde que empezamos con Avinae Wine & Spirits ,Mallorca Wine Experience y ahora con Vinos de Mallorca siempre hemos querido dotar a nuestra web de contenido de calidad. Nos inspiramos en algunas webs inglesas que nos parecieron interesantes. La idea es que los miembros de nuestro club de vinos tuvieran en este espacio un rincón donde poder encontrar información útil. Vídeos sobre catas de vino, algunos consejos para aprender de vino, curiosidades sobre le mundo del vino, recomendaciones de vinos y de winebars en los que hemos estado (y nos han gustado), ideas para hacer enoturismo, etc. Hay posts que incluyen vídeos y hay otras entradas con sólo texto.
Wine For Thought: Wine Highest Bidder!
Auctions can seem like a scary concept to many. The way that they are portrayed in films and in books make them feel like an activity for the wealthy and fortunate few…. And whilst it is true that they tend to attract those with a more “disposable” income, they are still very approachable and fun as both a one off experience and a repeatable hunt for rare wines and good bargains. Wine Highest Bidder!
The key to enjoying an auction is knowing what to look for and so I offer these simple steps to hopefully inspire you to at least try!
Step 1: Investigation
Auction houses tend to be very rigorous in their presentation of events/auctions and so normally there is a good deal of information, either through a website or by request (e-mail etc). Through investigation you can determine whether or not it will be the right auction for you; does it have the kind of wines you like? Do they offer vintages you have been looking for? Is there a minimum bid? These kind of questions are the ones to be asking when considering attending an auction.
Step 2: Help Wine Highest Bidder!
Never avoid asking for assistance at an auction, they normally have advisors that can offer all sorts of advice and guidance on the how`s/what`s/whys of the selecting and buying of the wines available. Just like Jean-Paul Sartre said “It is better to ask for help at an auction than to spend 50k on a rubber bottle of Beaujolais”. Also, talking to someone who truly understands the ins and outs of an auction is a great way to learn and to gain confidence for your next one. Make sure to ask about the previous auction, so as to get a feel for what kind of wines sold best and average spend per bottle.
Step 3: Time Wine Highest Bidder!
Make sure to dedicate a good portion of your day to the event. Auctions are sometimes more a game of patience than anything else and the more time you have to scope out the offers and the pieces of interest, observe the other buyers and simply get a feel for the surroundings, the more comfortable and prepared you will feel.
Step 4: The Extras
At auctions there are often extra services at ones disposal, for instance pre-auction tastings or talks to offer as much info as possible on the items that will be sold, give you an advantage and time to investigate thoroughly. Guides and catalogues are also very useful, but be warned, most of the time extras come with a price tag.
Step 5: To be or Not to be……..there!
As I mentioned earlier, Auctions deserve time and so if you are set on going, make a day of it! Give yourself the opportunity to get to know the ins and outs of the experience and take notes so that you get familiar with it. If you can’t make it but did the research, remember you can often bid from a distance via phone/email/apps depending on the organizers of the auction and their in-house rules and systems.
So there you have it! If you decide to venture in to the world of bidding then I hope I helped you enjoy the process a little more.
Good hunting